Welcome to The Gathering Space, a community arts project based in the Junction.
Our project is interested in collecting stories of all kinds about the Junction area and reflecting those stories back using art.
The neighbourhood is in a time of huge changing and shifting, and we want to document those changes, and the experience and history of the area that people carry around in their bodies and memories.
We originally wanted to open up a community gallery in a storefront on Dundas, but had trouble finding a place that was willing to rent for a shorter period of time. Instead, we've decided to turn the streets into our gallery! You'll find us walking around, taking pictures, asking questions, listening to stories, and getting to know the neighbourhood.
We're presently in our research phase, wandering around the neighbourhood talking to people and collecting things. During the Junction Arts Festival, you may have seen us at our partner The West Toronto Junction Historical Society's booth with our Journey story Judy. These days, you're likely to see us on our own with our mobile 'research station' bikecart, somewhere along Dundas Ave.
On this blog you'll find photos and stories and fragments and our thoughts and ideas of the Junction we've picked up during our time there.
Finally, we're getting the blog going!